Latest news

Update 14.04.2024

We have important messages to make. We changed our name from POSE to POKA. This has two reasons. The first reason is, it seems like there is already a clothingbrand named POSE. They have no fame at all thats why we didn't found them in investigations. Pose has bought all rights, so we can't print "pose" on any clothes. The second reason is, the brandowner wanted to send a message with the brand. But with the name "POSE" he couldn't even reach that. The actual reason that we started a clothing brand is because of the brand owners story. The name "POKA" comes from a language spoken in nigeria (Igbo) and originally says mpoka. Mpoka in englisch means proud, we want people to find their confidence in clothes. For better pronunciation we removed the "M" at the beginning. All designs and winners stay the same. Just stay patient, the final drop will appear after the summer when you need warm clothes again. Whats your opinion on the change? Give us a feedback to our changes. More informations and samples soon!

Update 09.04.2024

Hey guys! In the last few days we analysed our StarDrop-Sample again and we have some improvements to do. First of all, like you already see, the clothes are too big. We ordered a Size S but its too big, it feels like an M or even an L. That means we are going to adjust the size with some clothes we like. The second thing is the color from the stripe inside: It doesn't have the same color like the other designs (the stars). And last but not least, the laces, we still couldn't surprise you with our laces. But now its time, on the next sample we finally se the secret laces! We really hope this comes out well. We are shorty before ordering the bulk order. Thanks for your pattence! New Pics from the sample will appear in the next week, stay tuned!

Update 01.04.2024


Long time no see, the last months were tough. We finally go the new sample and you will see new pictures in a while. The sample is a 9/10 and we can work with this manufacturer in the future. Sadly, the manufacturer couldn't do the wished laces and the sizes are a little bit too long. But the fabric and shape of the tracksuit is crazy. Its perfect to wear and feels so well. We are so hyped to drop the tracksuit!!!

We didn't just focus on sample in the last months, we have to make anything ready for a full order that means shipping bags, maybe a little gift, thank-you cards and so on...

We are already talking with the manufacturer for a new sample, stay tuned for the pics for the sample now!

Update 21.01.2024


First of all please share our story that more people will know about us.

The Samples finally arrived but the manufacturer kind of messed up. The fabric from the pants is to thin and he didn't even put the surprising laces in that we talked about. We also decided to do five stars instead of three stars on the side of the hoodie. It looks alot better. We are ordering new samples as soon as possilbe!

All in all its a 7/10 but we want the best for our community.
Thank you for being patient, you won't regret it.

See you soon and don't forget to join the giveaway on instagram!

Update 14.01.2024

The first two weeks in 2024 went by fast and we have surprising Updates! We just sealed two new partnership we want to talk about. First of all we have a contract with the supplier dpd! Its a fast and high quality supplier and we are hyped to work with them. We also have a new partnership aka new person in the team. He can do the famous Airforce's 1 with Rope, Lanvin or Off White Laces! That means you soon can order this shoes on our online Shop. We can offer you those shoes so that we can make sure, that you also have shoes to POSE infront of the camera! 

We also ordered samples for the BasicDrop. Yes, already! You can see them after the StarDrop came out!

And the last news for today are that we can proudly announce, that we have now reached 200 followers on tiktok and 100 followers on instagram! THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT!!!

We want to remind you about our giveaway on instagram, dont miss the opportunity and check it out! The giveaway ends in the end of january.

Thanks for the support again and for reading our news! Subscribe to our email to get notified when we post a new update! 

POSE back again soon!

Update 02.01.2024

Happy new year everybody! We have news that you gonna like! We just ordered our samples, soon you can see how our product really looks! We have special laces we didn't even talk about!

We also have a partnership with a upcoming Airforce 1 rope laces seller! So alot of things are coming up in the next months, stay tuned!

The only bad news are, that one of the creators of POSE left to do his own brand. The communication with the other creator didn't go well, more informations coming soon under About us.

On our instagram is an active give away, you can win a free tracksuit from POSE! Dont miss this opportunity! Details from our story are also on tiktok! 

We wish you a succesfull year, see you soon!

Update 22.12.2023

Wow, over 500 people already visited our website! Thank you community for your support! 

Update to manufacturer: We contacted some manufacturer and they were impressed from our products, samples are coming soon!

- A new tiktok is online.

Update 18.12.2023

Our website is finally live! We recently updated our website, so that you customers have access! Please note that details still getting managed. Pictures are getting changed a soon as we get samples, so that we can present our own clothings.

We are still searching for a manufacturer. Its more difficult than we thought!

- A new tiktok post is online!